Fine bulgur is a popular kind of bulgur in the world which is used in meatballs and salad like “tabbouleh”, is popular all over the world. Fine bulgur is the 5# of yellow bulgurs in size.
Unlike bulgur, peeled wheat is made from soft wheat. It is produced by cleaning and peeling the cover of the wheat. peeled wheat is commonly used in Turkey and Middle East. The whole peeled wheat is called Harish while the broken one is called Jerish. The common name of peeled wheat in Turkey is “Wheat for Noah’s Puding”. It is used in a traditional dessert which is consumed during the religious month of Muharram in Islam.
The homeland of red beans, which has a history of 8000 years, is Peru. Red beans, which are found in many culinary cultures, especially in American and Indian cuisines, are produced and consumed in many countries today. It contains high protein, fiber, iron, phosphorus and potassium.
Red split lentils are obtained by peeling the outer shell of the raw lentil, breaking the grain in half and then oiling the inner lentil using cottonseed oil. Its consumption is very common in Turkey and South East Asia. Duru only packs lentils grown in South East region of Turkey.