Coarse bulgur is the most common and famous type of bulgur both in the World and Turkey. The grain size of coarse bulgur is from 2,0 to 2,8 mm and it is the 3# size of the Duru Bulgur.
Fine bulgur is a popular kind of bulgur in the world which is used in meatballs and salad like “tabbouleh”, is popular all over the world. Fine bulgur is the 5# of yellow bulgurs in size.
Extra Fine Bulgur is smaller in size than fine bulgur. Since it is smaller in size, it is more preferable for meatballs where bulgur is kneaded. Extra Fine can be mixed with fine bulgur to be used in salads. It is the smallest size of yellow bulgurs.
Extra Coarse Bulgur, which is bigger than course bulgur, looks like a half of a wheat grain. This bulgur can be used in soups and stuffing as a substitute to rice.