Most of the products in this section are frozen products. Therefore, we recommend that you choose the appropriate shipping methods. Do not choose shipping options for more than 2 days, especially in the summer time.
Baklava is a layered pastry dessert made of filo pastry, filled with chopped nuts, and sweetened with syrup or honey. It was one of the most popular sweet pastries of Ottoman cuisine.❄️❄️PERISHABLE ITEM❄️❄️ Perishables must be shipped using UPS express shipping methods. We recommend all perishable items ship overnight or 2nd shipping at the latest. All frozen items will be shipped with ice packs, in an insulated box liner. we recommend choosing overnight delivery, for any frozen items to prevent items from perishing
Cezerye is a semi-gelatinous traditional Turkish dessert made from caramelised carrots, shredded coconut, and roasted walnuts, hazelnuts, or pistachios.Cut into matchbox-sized rectangular chips, it is traditionally served on special occasions. It originated from the Turkey
Melomakarona is one of the most classic Greek sweets and is deeply linked to Christmas and Holidays in general! It is a sweet that everybody loves, since it combines pure and delicious ingredients, such as Greek honey, walnuts, cinnamon and many more! However, do not limitate yourself on enjoying the amazing Melomakarona only on holidays, it is a sweet that you can enjoy all year round! These particular Melomakarona from Chrisanthidis are made following the traditional recipe and they are representative of this classic sweet. Their exceptional taste along with the elegant packaging make this product an ideal gift to offer to your friends, your colleagues and your family!
Baklava, rich Turkish, Greek, and Middle Eastern pastry of phyllo (filo) dough and nuts. Phyllo is a simple flour-and-water dough that is stretched to paper thinness and cut into sheets, a process so exacting that it is frequently left to commercial manufacturers. For baklava, 30 or 40 sheets of phyllo, each brushed liberally with melted butter, are layered in a baking pan with finely chopped walnuts, pistachios, or almonds. After the pastry is baked it is drenched with a syrup of honey and lemon juice. Cinnamon, ground cloves, cardamom, or rosewater may flavour either the filling or the syrup ❄️PERISHABLE ITEM❄️❄️ Perishables must be shipped using FedEx express shipping methods. We recommend all perishable items ship overnight or 2nd shipping at the latest. All frozen items will be shipped with ice packs, in an insulated box liner. we recommend choosing overnight delivery, for any frozen items to prevent items from perishing, otherwise Turkishfoodmarket will not be responsible for any damages that may occur.